Our Services
Environmental & Social Impact Assessment is a process of identifying, predicting, evaluating and mitigating the biophysical, social, and other effects of particular projects to the environment. To undertake these assessments, we have got a registered and reliable team of experts that are drawn from environmental sciences, ecology, pedology, hydrology, engineering, and social sciences among other fields, depending on the nature of assessment to be undertaken.
The ESIA team has collectively conducted hundreds of EIA studies across the region with SustiGlobal and other consulting firms. As part of ESIA, the consultancy team has at times conducted Relocation Action Planning (RAP), Environmental & Social Management Framework (ESMF) and exhumation of graves along stretches of projects such as electricity transmission, roads and pipe lines. Where best alternative routes should be determined, GIS technology is applied. The projects that require ESIAs fall in the Category A and B of the Equator Principles (EPs) as read with the First Schedule of the Environmental Management Act (CAP 20:27) of Zimbabwe. Such projects are;
- Dams, man-made lakes & irrigation schemes
- Conversion of forests land to other uses
- Land & housing developments
- Industry (tanneries, smelting, abattoirs & etc)
- Infrastructure (highways, railways, airports)
- Mining, quarrying & ore processing
- Petroleum production, storage & distribution
- Thermal, solar & hydro power generation
- Power transmission
- Tourist resorts and recreational developments
- Waste disposal & treatment (landfills)
To boost our capacity we have partnered in consortium with firms such as Citseo Consulting (of Canada) and JBN Consults & Partners (of Uganda) in various projects undertaken in Africa. With these companies we have tendered and worn projects that are funded by Africa Development Bank (AFDB) and the World Bank (WB) and we have produced reports that surpass these clients’ standards and expectation
Baseline Survey
Our experience in carrying out Environmental & Social Impact Assessments (ESIA) of various projects and our tried and tested multi-disciplinary teams of experts qualify us to conduct the following surveys;
- Soil surveys( for agricultural purposes)
- Water quality assessment & monitoring
- Ecological surveys & risk assessments
- Hydro-geological surveys &s oil resistivity tests
So far we conducted geo-technical, soil resistivity, foundations concrete core surveys for live Chertsey and Marvel’s 330/132kV substations, (a Zimbabwean Government project) funded by African Development Bank while Angelique International of India was supervising our work.
This is one of “after ESIA” services that we offer to our esteemed clients to ensure compliance with best practices as would have been highlighted in the ESIA report and subsequently conduct quarterly reports. The following are some of the services that we have offered to various industries as hygiene surveys;
- Stack emissions surveys (SO2, O2, CO, CO2, NO,NO2, NOx & PM10) for boilers, kilns & generators
- Respirable dust sampling
- Heat stress assessments
- Noise assessments
- Ventilation surveys
- Illumination (light) tests
- Vibration assessments
- Ergonomics surveys
We pride in offering best Integrated Management Systems (IMS) that encompass ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 (OHSAS 18001) to small and large corporates. The three systems help organizations to systematically satisfy customers through provision of quality goods & services, improve on environmental management and to minimize the risk of occupational health & safety accidents. We have got a team of experts that are certified by the Standards Association of Zimbabwe (SAZ) and the internationally recognized DQS to train, develop, implement and auditthoseinternationalsystemsand guarantee certification and re-certification.
SustiGlobal offers site decontamination and rehabilitation services from the planning to rehabilitation phases of a project to ensure that degraded environment returns to its prestine state, especially by bio-remediation technology. The decontamination process focuses on hydrocarbon, heavy metal, cyanide, acid mine drainage (AMD), PCB among other contaminants. We have assisted various firms in the petroleum and hazardous substances conveyance through escorts & spillages clean- ups among other related services.
Leading from the fore-front on mine waste management practices and reclamation technologies, we take pride in conducting environmental assessments, developing innovative mitigation, reclamation and closure plans in which we incorporate engineering methods to minimize overall reclamation costs and provide for efficient yet enhanced post- project land uses.
We have a wealth of experience in data collection technologies such as Remote Sensing; and Geographic Information System (GIS) that,enables organizations to run their daily activities, manage their developments & monitor assets and general performance. We have applied GIS expertise in the following
- Power Transmission & Distribution Mapping
- Pollution and Contaminant Modelling
- Dispersion Modeling (using Atmospheric
Dispersion Modeling System) - ESIAs among other studies